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Social Issues

Bernie Sanders Supporters Wrongly Registered With Far-Right Extremists

A confusing voter registration issue could cost Bernie Sanders potential votes in the upcoming California primaries. The far-right American Independent Party has its name on California ballots and independent voters wishing to vote for the Democratic presidential hopeful might have inadvertently registered with the extremist anti-liberal party. They need to change their registration forms soon otherwise their votes will not be counted. Despite the obscurity of the far-right group, currently 3% of Californians are registered with the American Independent Party (AIP).

French Government To Force Labour Reforms Though Parliament

The French government has given the go-ahead for Prime Minister Manuel Valls  to use a rarely-invoked article of the constitution to bypass parliament and forcibly implement controversial labour reforms. “Because the country must move forward, the cabinet has authorized me to act on behalf of the government,” Prime Minister Manuel Valls told parliament to loud boos and heckling from someand applause from others. The decision follows weeks of protests against the proposed reforms, which among other changes seeks to make hiring and firing easier for companies.
