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Social Issues

Hungary PM Bans ‘Islamisation’

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban has officially banned ‘Islamisation’ from Hungary in order to protect the country’s culture and language.  Orban said the government opposes mass migration because it dilutes the principles of the Hungary constitution. reports: These comments follow the country’s decision to build a razor-wire fence last year to stop migrants from entering its borders. Orban said in order to be able to protect the citizens of Hungary they must know who wants to come in and why.

Iranian Man Self-Immolates On Pacific Island Refugee Centre

An Iranian man set himself on fire on Wednesday in protest at being kept in a refugee detention centre by the Australian government on the small island community of Nauru. Four other refugees also reportedly attempted suicide during a visit by UN officials to the immigration detention and offshore asylum processing center in the South Pacific. Human rights groups have long criticised the policy and conditions in the camps.

America's Entitled (And Doomed) Upper Middle Class

America's Entitled (And Doomed) Upper Middle Class

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

The upper middle class is well and truly doomed by self-delusion and the pathology of entitlement.

Two recent articles describe America's entitled (and doomed) upper middle class: the top 5% of households with incomes above $206,500 annually and individuals with incomes of $160,000 or higher annually. (source: Historical Income Tables: Households
