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Social Issues

Washington Is Forcing Its European Vassals To Accept 2nd Wave of Immigrants

Washington Is Forcing Its European Vassals To Accept 2nd Wave of Immigrants

The Obama Regime forced the EU to accept millions of refugees from Washington’s failed wars in the Middle East and Africa. Now the Obama Regime is forcing the EU to accept millions of refugees from its failed policy in Ukraine. Europe as we once knew it no longer exists. Washington has thrown the European peoples into the trash bin of history.

Gods And Monsters

Reader Siluan, in the following comment on the “Metaphysics of the Men’s Room” thread, explains succinctly why yes, transgenderism actually is a much bigger deal than accommodating a very small number of individuals who believe they were born in the wrong bodies:

CDC Warn Of Mass Tuberculosis Outbreak In United States

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have warned that a potential tuberculosis epidemic could hit America due to the surge of tens of thousands of illegal immigrants crossing the Mexico-U.S. border.  According to the CDC, some of the illegal immigrants who have made it onto U.S. soil have been confirmed as having TB, swine flu, and some of them have been diagnosed as having Dengue. reports: The internal warning was: “We might as well plan on many of the kids having TB.” It was included in June 2014 email guidance from environmental health scientist Alaric C.
