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Social Issues

CDC Warn Of Mass Tuberculosis Outbreak In United States

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have warned that a potential tuberculosis epidemic could hit America due to the surge of tens of thousands of illegal immigrants crossing the Mexico-U.S. border.  According to the CDC, some of the illegal immigrants who have made it onto U.S. soil have been confirmed as having TB, swine flu, and some of them have been diagnosed as having Dengue. reports: The internal warning was: “We might as well plan on many of the kids having TB.” It was included in June 2014 email guidance from environmental health scientist Alaric C.

Britain’s NCA Chief Suggests Therapy Instead Of Jail For Paedophiles

Paedophiles could be spared jail and  given counseling instead due to the massive volume of online child abuse images and scant resources, according to Britain’s National Crime Agency NCA chief Lynne Owens said the scale of the challenge facing undercover cops is so great, that it requires a radical re-think. RT reports: She said undercover investigators could approach offenders looking at low-level child abuse images online and ask them to seek help from charities. The program is bound to be controversial, however, as it would rely on appealing to the conscience of pedophiles.

Zombie GOP Economics

Presidential candidate George H.W. Bush famously described his competitor Ronald Reagan’s economic policies as “voodoo economics.” Well, Pete Spiliakos makes a case that the chronic Reaganomics of the GOP amounts to zombie economics, because even though dead, the ideology keeps staggering on.

Denver Schools To Arm Guards With Military-Style Rifles

Submitted by Mac Slavo via,

Are children safe in public schools?

If the answer seems pretty obvious, it is confirmation that society has definitely gone to extremes that would not have been recognizable in past decades of American history.

Now Denver-area schools are becoming the first to guard their student populations with military-style semiautomatic rifles, and things certainly appear to be escalating.

via NBC News/AP:
