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Social Issues

Caught On Tape: Cameraman Attacked At Greek Neo-Nazi Party "Anti-Islamization" Protests

Despite proclamations from Europe's leaders that Greece was is fixed thanks to its latest round of bailouts and austerity, leaving aside The IMF's hatchet job, and growth is set to return any quarter now; unemployment remains mid-20%, capital controls continue to be in place (ATM caps), and the growing refugee 'problem' leaves social unrest rearing its ugly head once again.

Vibrancy! Diversity! Conformity!

  1. WE DEMAND that Stanford expels Panda Express from campus, since its food is culturally appropriative, and celebrates the harvesting of the endangered panda bear.

  2. WE DEMAND that Stanford renames White Plaza to Black Plaza. Naming a central plaza after a race is hateful.

  3. WE DEMAND that Stanford recognizes that half-lives matter, and establishes a committee to fund the Chemistry and Physics Departments accordingly.

Black Activists Heckle, Turn On Bill Clinton; Accuse Him Of "Destroying Their Communities"

Black Activists Heckle, Turn On Bill Clinton; Accuse Him Of "Destroying Their Communities"

It is no secret that one of the core support groups behind Hillary's presidential campaign are black voters. Which is why it came as a surprise when none other than Bill Clinton faced down protesters angry at the impact his 1994 crime reforms have had on black Americans and defended the record of his wife, Hillary Clinton, who is relying on the support of black voters in her quest for the presidency.

Russia To Offer Free Land To Citizens And Foreigners

Russia has announced plans to offer free land to citizens and foreigners who want to build homes or start business in agriculture or tourism.  Land in Russia’s far east is up for grabs after a Russian lower house committee approved a bill that offers the free handover of 1 hectare (2.5 acres) of land to foreign citizens. reports: However, foreigners will only be allowed to use the land, and the registration of full property rights is only possible after the naturalization of potential owners. The original bill was drafted by the Russian government in November last year.

German Minister Tells Police To Remove “Rape” From NYE Sex Attack Report

A German minister put pressure on police involved in the Cologne sex attack investigation to remove the word “rape” from reports about the mass sexual assaults, in a bid to mitigate the sexual nature of the attacks that took place on New Year’s Eve.  The German Express newspaper reported that the interior ministry of North Rhine-Westphalia forced a senior police officer to delete the word “rape” from an internal report on January 1.
