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Social Issues

Death Of White Working-Class Culture

A reader sends in this op-ed from a teacher, writing in The Guardian about the death of white working-class culture for British kids. The author, a white man, was raised working class, and focuses on a new think tank report showing that white working-class youth are at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to educational achievement. The writer blames Thatcherism for breaking the unions in the 1980s. Excerpts:

Atlanta Fed Q1 GDP Estimate Crashes To 0.4%

Atlanta Fed Q1 GDP Estimate Crashes To 0.4%

Following this morning's disappointing trade data (but... but... surveys showed that the workers in the service sector are more optimistic... just ignore the actual hard data) we asked if today's Atlanta Fed GDP update would be above or below 0.3%.

Moments ago we got the answer: it was over, but by the smallest possible increment. And the answer is....

Children Who Survived Nepal Earthquake Sold To British Families

Vulnerable children, including survivors of last year’s earthquake in Nepal, are being sold to British families as domestic slaves, according to an investigation. An investigation by the Sun newspaper claims that boys and girls as young as 10 are being sold for £5,250 ($7,468) in India’s Punjab province, close to the Nepalese border. Black market gangs are preying on the children of Nepalese refugees and destitute Indian families, according to the newspaper.

The Porn Catastrophe

Time magazine’s cover story this week is about what ubiquitous hardcore pornography is doing to men. I can’t link to it because it’s a subscribers-only piece, but Southern Baptist pastor Denny Burk has a detailed (but not NSFW) rundown of what it reports. The gist of it is that porn is changing the brains of young men, who have been watching it from a young age, such that they are impotent with actual women. Burk, quoting the article:
