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Social Issues

Doctors Say Bill Gates Polio Vaccine Has Created Deadly ‘Super Polio’

A mutated strain of Polio has made its way to Europe – as medical authorities admit that the Polio vaccine program led by Bill Gates had ended up creating a more deadly strain of the disease.  In 2011 Doctors in India reported that young children were being crippled in huge numbers after receiving the oral polio vaccine –  with 47,000 children crippled and permanently disabled as a direct result of the vaccine.

Cheer Up, Conservatives

Really good column by David Brooks today, in which he looks to the GOP’s future beyond Trump. Excerpts:

This is a moment for honesty. Valuably, Trump has exposed the rottenness of the consultant culture, and the squirrelly way politicians now talk to us. This is a moment for revived American nationalism. Trump’s closed, ethnic nationalism is dominant because Iraq, globalization and broken immigration policies have discredited the expansive open form of nationalism that usually dominates American culture.


What If Diversity Is Our Weakness?

A reader left this comment on the “What’s The Matter With Utah?” thread. I think it’s really thought-provoking and challenging, but he posted it under his real name, and I’m worried that if I approve it, it will set him up to be attacked. Reader, if you are sure that you want me to approve it, let me know and I will. But I want to throw the comment out there for discussion, because the issues the reader brings up are real, and difficult:

The Health Insurance Scam: "Coverage" Doesn't Mean Affordability Or Access

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

An architect of the federal healthcare law said last year that a “lack of transparency” and the “stupidity of the American voter” helped Congress approve ObamaCare.


He suggested that many lawmakers and voters didn’t know what was in the law or how its financing worked, and that this helped it win approval.

