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Social Issues

Behind The Trump/Sanders "Revolution": Angry White Men

Behind The Trump/Sanders "Revolution": Angry White Men

If the establishment had its way, America would be no country for angry white men. As WSJ reports, Tuesday’s primary elections underscored an emerging, central reality of the 2016 presidential campaign: This is the year of the dissatisfied white male.

Those white males are the voters who propelled Donald Trump to convincing victories Tuesday in Michigan and Mississippi, as they have elsewhere. And, as The Wall Street Journal reports, they may determine whether he can roll on next week in a series of big industrial states.

Donald Trump Linked To Racist Mobster At Trump Plaza Casino

Donald Trump’s relationship with a notorious mobster has raised questions about the businessman-politician and his dodgy past. The Republican presidential front-runner lavished gifts to a hateful mobster who used to frequent his gambling joint in Atlantic City and intimidate women and minority employees. Trump’s casino was fined $650,000 for catering to the racist mobster and now Trump denies directly knowing the man.

Tory Minister Claims Some Homeless People ‘Choose To Sleep Rough’

Charities have condemned a a senior Tory minister who claimed that some homeless people are actively choosing to sleep rough. During a debate about homelessness on Monday, Communities Minister Baroness Williams said some rough sleepers made a free and conscious decision to be without a bed. Hard to imagine that anyone would choose to sleep in a doorway in sub zero temperatures or even choose a communal bin on a cold or wet night.

European Scientists Say Obama and Trump Are Closely Related To Hitler

What do Barack Obama, Adolf Hitler, Donald Trump and the Rothschild family all have in common? It sounds like the beginning of a sick joke, doesn’t it?  But unfortunately it isn’t! The answer is that these elite members of the world’s most powerful club are closely related members of the same family, according to a scientific study by a Belgian team of geneticists at the University of Brussels.
