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Social Issues

Dramatic Rise In Number Of People Sleeping On Streets In UK

The number of homeless people sleeping on the streets across England has doubled since 2010. 3,569 people are sleeping rough on any one night, which is a 30% increase compared to the last year’s figure, new data shows. Press TV reports: “Scandalous” and “shocking,” were how British charities described the figure urging the government for new measure to deal with the situation. “There are practical and immediate measures the government can take to tackle rough sleeping and other forms of homelessness”, said Crisis, a charity working for homeless.

Afghan Refugee Takes Class On "How To Behave With Women", Promptly Rapes Belgian Woman

Afghan Refugee Takes Class On "How To Behave With Women", Promptly Rapes Belgian Woman

As we reported earlier today, European officials have essentially put an expiration date on the EU as we know it. It’s 10 days from now.

That’s when a team from Brussels will convene a summit with Turkey to discuss a coordinated response to the refugee crisis that threatens to plunge the bloc into “anarchy” (to quote Jean Asselborn, Luxembourg's foreign minister). As the weather starts to improve, Europe fears even more asylum seekers will attempt to make the journey, straining Schengen to the breaking point.

A "Furious" Greece Recalls Austrian Ambassador: "We Will Not Be A Warehouse Of Souls"

For Greece, Europe's worsening refugee crisis amounts to an "insult to injury" scenario.

Just six months after Angela Merkel and the Brussels cabal put Athens through round after round of "mental waterboarding" on the way to granting the country a third bailout and preventing Greece from marking a messy exit from the common currency, Alexis Tsipras now finds himself on the front lines of a mass Mid-East migration to Western Europe.
