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Social Issues

Austria To Refugees: Learn To Speak German Or Get No Money

Austria To Refugees: Learn To Speak German Or Get No Money

On Friday, we brought you the latest in a series of cartoons and pictographs designed by European authorities to help Mid-East refugees better understand European society.

Judging from the integration “guides”, migrants are having a hard time coming to terms with quite a few things, but the two main problems appear to be publicly beating women and small children and randomly groping women’s behinds.

Five People Dead At School Shooting In Canada

A suspect is in custody after five people were killed and two seriously injured in a school shooting at a remote village in the northern province of Saskatchewan, according to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. CBC News reports: “Obviously this is every parent’s worst nightmare,” Trudeau said Friday in a brief statement from Davos, Switzerland. A suspect is in custody, he said, and the situation was under control. Trudeau also thanked first responders who reacted “quickly and bravely” in what he called a “tragic and terrible day.” La Loche is a community of about 3,000.

Are You A Sexually Frustrated Rapefugee In Germany? This Cartoon's For You

Are You A Sexually Frustrated Rapefugee In Germany? This Cartoon's For You

Last week, we brought you two cartoons designed by European authorities to help “teach” Mid-East refugees what sort of behavior is acceptable at public venues.

The first was a flyer created in Austria that Switzerland intends to distribute ahead of the upcoming Lucerne carnival. The leaflet outlines a number of acceptable behaviors such as shaking hands and mediating arguments while making it clear with giant red Xs that flying into a blind rage and open-hand slapping women and children isn’t something that’s generally tolerated in polite society.

Bill Gates Admits “Vaccines Are Best Way To Depopulate”

Bill Gates has openly admitted that vaccinations are designed so that governments can depopulate the world. Gates says that in order to successfully depopulate an “overcrowded world” at least 350,000 must be killed each day, and he says this can be done via vaccine programs. [SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO] reports: Vaccines are one of the biggest public health victories in human history. People are exceedingly reliable to it for eradicating illness and reducing the incidence of new infections of diseases such as polio, diphtheria, measles, rubella, rotavirus and many others.
