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Social Issues

Turkish PM Recep Erdogan Turns Turkey Into A Police State

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan is turning Turkey into a police state, by granting powers to the National Intelligence Organization (MIT) and banning independent journalism and activism in the country.  Turkey’s Justice and Development Party (AKP), under Erdogan’s leadership, is transforming Turkey into an authoritarian police state where the MIT act as Erdogan’s “Praetorian Guards”, notes independent scholar Dr. Can Erimtan.

Bad-Boy Episcopalians

Bad-Boy Episcopalians

This meme has been going around in my networks since the Anglican Communion put the Episcopal Church on a three-year suspension for its liberal policies on homosexuality.

The punitive measures and conservative statement came after four days of “painful” talks in Canterbury aimed at moving the world’s 85 million-strong Anglican fellowship beyond deep divisions over homosexuality between liberals and conservatives.
