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Social Issues

200 Swedes Storm Occupied Stockholm Train Station, Beat Migrant Children

200 Swedes Storm Occupied Stockholm Train Station, Beat Migrant Children

Sweden is losing its patience with refugees.

In the wake of the sexual assaults allegedly perpetrated by men of “Arab origin” in Cologne, Germany on New Year’s Eve, the Swedish press revealed what certainly appeared to be a coverup related to a wave of similar incidents that apparently occurred at a youth festival and concert in central Stockholm’s Kungsträdgården last August.

Trump Plucked The Populist Apple

Take a look at the 2005 Political Typology report by the Pew Center. Note well that this came out over a decade ago. That is, before the economic crash of 2007-08, and before disillusionment with the Iraq War and the Bush administration had taken hold.

Here are the relevant takeaways:

A total of 46 percent of registered voters — Republicans and Republican-leaning independent — had in 2005 a political profile that fits with the Trump brand.

Grenade Hurled At Refugee Shelter As 40% Of Germans Tell Merkel To Resign

Grenade Hurled At Refugee Shelter As 40% Of Germans Tell Merkel To Resign

On Thursday evening we detailed the dramatic increase in Google search queries for gun permits in Germany. Specifically, since January 1, the number of Germans Googling “gun permits” has risen more than 1,000%.

Meanwhile, sales of non-lethal weapons such as tear gas pistols have skyrocketed, as Germans look to protect themselves against what many see as a hostile foreign invasion.

Trump: ‘Shocking, Vulgar — and Right’

Tucker Carlson, in Politico, calls Trump “shocking, vulgar, and right.” Carson says he gets why people can’t stand Trump, but Republicans have a lot to learn from him.

Among them: that Trump exists because the Conservative-Industrial Complex has failed. All those billions sent to the think tanks, politicians, and activists groups over the years. What truly conservative results do they have to show for it? Carson suggests very damn little. Excerpt:

17-Year-Old Girl Fined For Pepper Spraying "Rapefugee" In "World's Best Country For Women"

17-Year-Old Girl Fined For Pepper Spraying "Rapefugee" In "World's Best Country For Women"

On Wednesday, we brought you the tragic story of 22-year-old Alexandra Mezher, who was stabbed to death by a Somali migrant child in a Swedish asylum center for unaccompanied refugee children.

Mezher’s death served as a poignant reminder to the country’s politicians that the move to take in 163,000 asylum seekers fleeing the horrors of the Mid-East’s many proxy wars isn’t without risk.
