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Social Issues

Doug Casey On Why Race Will Break The US Apart, Part I


“America is a marvelous idea, a unique idea, fantastic idea. I’m extremely pro-American. But America has ceased to exist.”

Longtime readers will recognize this. It’s one of Doug Casey’s more memorable quotes.

I’m sharing it with you today because Doug said something last week that touched on this radical idea. He said the United States could break apart due to racial tensions.

Libya's Slave Auctions And African Genocide: What Hillary Knew

Libya's Slave Auctions And African Genocide: What Hillary Knew

A new CNN investigation has uncovered a network of slave markets operating in warehouses in various cities across Libya six years after NATO-led intervention in the country toppled the government of Muammar Gaddafi in support of US and UK backed rebels. And not only did CNN confirm the presence of slave auctions where human beings are being sold for as little as $400 in "liberated" Libya, but CNN's crew was actually able to film a live auction in progress, while also gathering the testimonies of multiple victims.

Anti-White Hate Crimes Are The Fastest Growing Racial Crimes In America

Anti-White Hate Crimes Are The Fastest Growing Racial Crimes In America

Authored by Justin Caruso via The Daily Caller,

A new FBI report indicates that hate crimes committed against white Americans are the fastest growing racial hate crimes in the United States.

The FBI report on 2016 Hate Crime Statistics shows that in 2016, there were 876 reported anti-white hate crime offenses in the United States. In 2015, this number was 734, indicating a 19.34 percent increase.
