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Social Issues

Visualizing The Rapidly Aging Western World

Visualizing The Rapidly Aging Western World

From issues such as declining fertility rates to the ongoing complications resulting from China’s famous “One Child Policy”, there are many demographic challenges that the world must grapple with in the coming years.

However, Visual Capitalist's Jeff Desjardins notes one problem of particular importance – at least in places like Europe and the Americas – is a rapidly aging population. As the population shifts grayer, potential consequences include higher dependency ratios, rising healthcare costs, and shifting economies and cities.

Delaying Action To Fight The Opioid Crisis Means More Veterans Will Die

Delaying Action To Fight The Opioid Crisis Means More Veterans Will Die

In observance of Veterans Day, Reuters published a story reminding the public how remarkably little has been done to address to rapidly worsening opioid crisis, which has now been blamed for a range of societal ills, including rising male unemployment, cash-strapped foster systems, overtaxed local first responder services - the list goes on.

And one group that has been particularly hard-hit by the crisis is Veterans, who are prescribed opioid painkillers at higher rates compared with the broader population.

"For The Sake Of Allah": Swedish Radio Station Hijacked To Play ISIS Recruiting Song

"For The Sake Of Allah": Swedish Radio Station Hijacked To Play ISIS Recruiting Song

Earlier this year, President Trump took a beating in the mainstream media for blasting Europe's, and more specifically Sweden's, disastrous immigration policies...

America Is The 22nd 'Best' Country In The World For Women

America Is The 22nd 'Best' Country In The World For Women

To the surprise of many, Saudi Arabia recently announced it would end its longstanding ban on women driving with the change set to come into effect from June 2018. That ban has served as a major symbol of female oppression throughout the world and it has also done huge damage to the kingdom's reputation for years. The situation could improve even further in the years ahead with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman pushing to implement more reforms in order to return the country to moderate Islam.
