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Social Issues

Skynet Makes Its Move: Ford Wraps Workers In Exoskeleton

Skynet Makes Its Move: Ford Wraps Workers In Exoskeleton

The secret to crustaceans and insects belonging to the phylum Arthropoda family are their exoskeleton. Ants, lobsters, hermit crabs, spiders, and beetles are all creatures whose life is made possibly by their exoskeleton body plan. Although humans do not have exoskeletons, but rather endoskeletons, it hasn’t stopped the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in pursing this technology.

Buchanan Fears A GOP Bloodbath - The Lesson For 2018

Authored by Patrick Buchanan via,

The day after his “Silent Majority” speech on Nov. 3, 1969, calling on Americans to stand with him for peace with honor in Vietnam, Richard Nixon’s GOP captured the governorships of Virginia and New Jersey.

By December, Nixon had reached 68 percent approval in the Gallup Poll, though, a year earlier, he had won but 43 percent of the vote.

Contrast Nixon’s numbers with President Trump’s.

The Ponzi Scheme That's Over 100x The Size Of Madoff

The Ponzi Scheme That's Over 100x The Size Of Madoff

Authored by Simon Black via,

By January 1920, much of Europe was in total chaos following the end of the first World War.

Unemployment soared and steep inflation was setting in across Spain, Italy, Germany, etc.

But an Italian-American businessman who was living in Boston noticed a unique opportunity amid all of that devastation.

He realized that he could buy pre-paid international postage coupons in Europe at dirt-cheap prices, and then resell them in the United States at a hefty profit.

The Fetid Swamp Of Tax Reform

The Fetid Swamp Of Tax Reform

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

The likelihood that either party will ever drain the fetid swamp of corruption that is our tax code is zero, because it's far too profitable for politicos to operate their auction for tax favors.

To understand the U.S. tax code and the endless charade of tax reform, we have to start with four distasteful realities:
