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"Bubble Tax": The GOP's Hidden 46% Tax Bracket

"Bubble Tax": The GOP's Hidden 46% Tax Bracket

Authored by Danny Vinik via TheAgenda,

If you’re rich enough, some of your income is taxed at a rate unseen since the ‘80s.

House Republicans claim the tax plan they introduced Thursday keeps the top individual rate unchanged at 39.6 percent - the level at which it’s been capped for much of the past quarter-century. But a little-noticed provision effectively creates a new band in which income is taxed at over 45 percent.

Scientists Look For A Cure For Politically Undesirable Behavior

Scientists Look For A Cure For Politically Undesirable Behavior


The ‘Free World’ has taken on where the Soviet scientists and psychiatrists left off.

German and American scientists of renowned Universities in Bonn and Lübeck do research on treatment for politically undesirable behaviour like their Soviet colleagues from the infamous Serbsky Central Research Institute in Moscow. In the Soviet Union people who protested the system had to undergo psychiatric treatment.

Germany Loses Track Of 30,000 Failed Asylum Seekers

Germany Loses Track Of 30,000 Failed Asylum Seekers

Having reported on a leaked document overnight that exposed the spiralling violence in Germany's refugee shelters, news this morning, via Die Welt, that more than 30,000 migrants due for deportation have gone missing under Merkel’s watch, just adds to anxiety and division in the nation.

And as TruthRevolt's Vijeta Uniyal reports, the government has no clue to their whereabouts, German newspapers report.
