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Nordstrom Plunges After Suspending 'Going-Private' Explorations

Nordstrom Plunges After Suspending 'Going-Private' Explorations

Nordstrom shares are tumbling uin the pre-open (down over 5% to 3-month lows) as the company temporarily suspends its explorations for going-private, citing "difficulties in obtaining debt financing."

As Bloomberg reports, Nordstrom family plans to continue efforts after holiday season with management set to maintain focus on execution of business plan for year-end period.

And the result is the erasure of all post-rumor-gains and then some...

Meet The 31-Year-Old Austrian Anti-Immigrant Set To Become The World's Youngest Leader

Meet The 31-Year-Old Austrian Anti-Immigrant Set To Become The World's Youngest Leader

The front runner in Austria’s Sunday election ended his campaign with a familiar message : Sebastian Kurz pledged to make Austria great again. He is set to become the world’s youngest leader, ahead of France’s Emmanuel Macron, who is 39... oh and North Korea's 34-year-old Kim Jong-un, of course.

“I want to put Austria back on top,” he told an adoring crowd in Wiener Neustadt according to the Telegraph. “I want to provide security and order, because the Austrian people deserve it.”

Sebastian Kurz

Survey Find Americans' Views on Free Speech is a Whole Bunch of Crazy

Via The Daily Bell

The biggest thing this survey proves is that Orwellian double-speak is working.

If you are unfamiliar, doublespeak is a term from the novel 1984. It is speech intentionally meant to confuse, or obscure reality.

What does free speech mean? What is hate speech? And what laws currently or should exist in regards to speaking freely?

The answers from Americans prove just how successful the media and politicians have been in making Americans less grounded than a satellite.

Social Security Means-Testing Looms: "It's Impossible Without A 50% Income Tax Hike"

Social Security Means-Testing Looms: "It's Impossible Without A 50% Income Tax Hike"

Authored by John Mauldin via,

The projected total US debt will be $30 trillion within 10 years, using the CBO’s own numbers. But the CBO also makes the rosy assumptions that there will be no recessions and that GDP will grow at a 4% nominal rate.

Now, that’s possible; I'm inclined to haircut it a bit.
