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Even The Cheapest Obamacare Plans Are "Unaffordable" In 94% Of American Cities, New Study Finds

Even The Cheapest Obamacare Plans Are "Unaffordable" In 94% Of American Cities, New Study Finds

We've frequently warned that Obamacare is locked in an inescapable death spiral that will result in its inevitable failure.  The problem is that the folks who make too much to qualify for subsidies (currently defined as roughly $80,000 for a family of 3) are increasingly being priced out of the market for individual insurance by Obamacare's 30%+ price hikes that consistently come year after year.  Meanwhile, those "rich" families making $80,000 a year are the ones expected to overpay for their health insurance so that a portion of their premiums can be "spread around a little bit" (as Obama

US Economic Data Has Never Done This Before

While 'hope'-strewn survey data (see today's Chicago PMI) are staging a self-reinforcing resurgence in the last week or two, 'hard' economic data (that doesn't rely on the emotional responses of humans) has collapsed to its weakest since Feb 2009.

This is the 6th monthly drop in 'hard' economic data in a row, something that has never happened before, pushing the spread between 'hope' and 'reality' to a record high.


Everything is Racist, And You’re a Terrible Person

Via The Daily Bell

Everything you do and think is racist, you probably just don’t realize it because you’re so super privileged.

You can’t just sit back and hide in your white supremacist neighborhoods anymore. There’s no more abstaining from taking a side on this one. The sins of your ancestors have caught up to you! (Or at least the sins of the ancestors of people who look like you, considering most white Americans are descended from post-Civil War immigrants.)
