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EU Unveils Plan To Resettle More North African Refugees, Support Project With 500 Million Euros

EU Unveils Plan To Resettle More North African Refugees, Support Project With 500 Million Euros

Just days after The Economist primed the world with its narrative that sending 1.2 bilion unskilled Africans to Europe would increase global GDP, The EU's executive has unveiled plans to resettle at least 50,000 refugees, focusing on people from northern Africa, to bypass smugglers.

As we noted previously, The Economist's argument is plain idiotic.  


Six-Figure Pensions For University Of California Teachers Surge 60% Since 2012

Six-Figure Pensions For University Of California Teachers Surge 60% Since 2012

Back in January 2017, the University of California system of schools approved their first in-state tuition hike in six years.  And while one might hope that the extra millions of dollars raised as a result of those hikes would go toward a better education for students, in reality, a large chuck will go to fund the exorbitant pensions of retired teachers. 

Teachers Demand $3,200 From Each Kentucky Household To Fund Pension Ponzi For 2 Years

Teachers Demand $3,200 From Each Kentucky Household To Fund Pension Ponzi For 2 Years

We have written frequently over the past couple of weeks about the disastrous public pension funds in Kentucky that are anywhere from $42 - $84 billion underfunded, depending on which discount rate you feel inclined to use. As we've argued before, these pensions, like the ones in Illinois and other states, are so hopelessly underfunded that they haven't a prayer of ever again being made whole.
