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Social Issues

These Are America's Fattest States

These Are America's Fattest States

According to a new report, one third of U.S. adults are obese along with one in six children.

The research was conducted by the Trust for America's Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and, as Statista's Nial McCarthy explains, it found that the adult obesity rate exceeded 35 percent in five states, 30 percent in 25 states and 25 percent in 46 states.

Here Are The California Counties Where Annual Opioid Scripts Outnumber People

Here Are The California Counties Where Annual Opioid Scripts Outnumber People

The California Department of Public Health just dropped some staggering statistics about the level of opioid abuse in America's progressive paradise of the left coast.  As the Sacramento Bee points out, there are a remarkable number of counties in California where annual prescriptions for pain killers actually exceed the population.  

Trinity County is the state’s fourth-smallest, and ended last year with an estimated population of 13,628 people.


Some Journalists are Just Arsonists Pointing Fingers

Some Journalists are Just Arsonists Pointing Fingers

Via The Daily Bell

Setting a fire is easier than putting one out.

And sometimes the people who fail to put out a fire are persecuted by the ones who don’t show up at all–or worse yet, fan the flames.

A recent Gizmodo article basically criticizes a volunteer fire department. No, not literally. This has nothing to do with actual fires of fire-fighters.

This has to do with an article called, “Some Crypto-Capitalists Just Want to See The World Burn.
