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Kentucky Public Employee Retirements Surge As Fears Of Pension Collapse Mount

Kentucky Public Employee Retirements Surge As Fears Of Pension Collapse Mount

Slowly but surely it is becoming increasingly clear to public workers in states with massively underfunded pensions that they've been lied to for the past several decades as their states can't possibly afford to pay for the retirement they've all been promised.  As a local radio station in Bowling Green points out today, fears over potential pension changes in Kentucky have resulted in a surge of early retirements as workers move to lock in payouts before any potential cuts go into effect.

This Silent Public-Health Crisis Costs The US $150 Billion A Year

This Silent Public-Health Crisis Costs The US $150 Billion A Year

The opioid epidemic isn’t the only public-health crisis costing the economy hundreds of billions of dollars. According to the Trust for America’s Health’s annual “State of Obesity” report, nearly 40% of American adults are obese or overweight.  And collectively, they will add some $150 billion to the cost of health care, and billions more in lost productivity.

The Excuse is Immigration, But Federal Checkpoints Violate Everyone’s Rights

The Excuse is Immigration, But Federal Checkpoints Violate Everyone’s Rights

Via The Daily Bell

Federal agents set up shop in New Hampshire last week. They ran a Constitutionally-illegal checkpoint, violating the Fourth Amendment rights of countless Americans.

The big reward? They arrested 25 illegal immigrants, seven of them children. More than half of those detained had overstayed visas. That means they came to the U.S. legally in the first place and did not leave when their visa expired.

What could have spurred this callous disregard for the law? Well, a personal anecdote could shed some light on the situation.
