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Social Issues

Coming To A Town Near You: Expert Warns That No-Go Zones Are Growing In America

Coming To A Town Near You: Expert Warns That No-Go Zones Are Growing In America

Authored by Daniel Lang via,

Nothing epitomizes the failure of Europe’s immigration policies more than the notorious “no-go zones.”

For decades the West has opened its borders to people who don’t share their values, and the West has utterly failed to encourage these people to assimilate. To even suggest that is now considered racist in many European countries.

Why We're Doomed...

Why We're Doomed...

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

The point is the present system cannot endure.

Despite all the happy talk about "recovery" and higher growth, wages have gone nowhere since 2000--and for the bottom 20% of workers, they've gone nowhere since the 1970s.
