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Social Issues

"I Turned Him Into A Mexican Tonight": Hypersensitive Snowflakes Triggered By McGregor's Compliment After Loss To Mayweather

"I Turned Him Into A Mexican Tonight": Hypersensitive Snowflakes Triggered By McGregor's Compliment After Loss To Mayweather

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

After a surprisingly brutal showdown in Las Vegas last night between Mixed Martial Arts fighter Conor McGregor and undefeated boxing champion Floyd Mayweather, McGregor was quoted as saying that he turned Floyd Mayweather "into a Mexican."

As you might have expected, the social justice crowd immediately pounced into action across the internet.

Words like racism, bigot and stereotype started flying.

Fidelity Says Baby Boomers Haven't Even Saved Enough To Cover Their Healthcare In Retirement

Fidelity Says Baby Boomers Haven't Even Saved Enough To Cover Their Healthcare In Retirement

While statistics are somewhat sketchy on the topic, most research suggests that the average retirement-age household has managed to set aside roughly $200,000-$250,000 for their golden years.  Unfortunately, they'll need more than that just to cover their healthcare costs.  Per Bloomberg notes today, the average 65-year-old couple will need roughly $275,000 to cover their healthcare costs during retirement...and that's with Medicare.

Rome Is Burning... This Time It's By Refugees


Police in Rome evicted 100s of refugees that had occupied Piazza Independenza just one block from the country’s main train station.

The squatters were defiant so local police used water cannons and batons in the forceful eviction. As Reuters reports,

Some 100 refugees had occupied Piazza Independenza since Saturday, when most of about 800 squatters were evicted from an adjacent office building they had occupied for about five years.


UVa Students Demand Racial Quotas, "Mandatory Education" On "Jefferson's White Supremacy"

UVa Students Demand Racial Quotas, "Mandatory Education" On "Jefferson's White Supremacy"

Authored by Sandor Farkas via Campus Reform,

A statue of Thomas Jefferson on the University of Virginia's campus has become a focal point for controversy.

Student groups at the University of Virginia have issued a list of demands that includes racial quotas and mandatory “education” about Thomas Jefferson’s connection to white supremacy.
