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Journalist Interrogated, Fired For Story Linking CIA And Syria Weapons Flights

Journalist Interrogated, Fired For Story Linking CIA And Syria Weapons Flights

A months-long investigation which tracked and exposed a massive covert weapons shipment network to terror groups in Syria via diplomatic flights originating in the Caucuses and Eastern Europe under the watch of the CIA and other intelligence agencies has resulted in the interrogation and firing of the Bulgarian journalist who first broke the story. This comes as the original report is finally breaking into mainstream international coverage.

NASA Plane Detects Oxygen On Mars

NASA researchers have detected atomic oxygen in Mars’ upper atmosphere for the first time in forty years. NASA’s airborne observatory SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy) has detected single molecules of oxygen in the Martian atmosphere. The observatory is mounted on a specially-equipped  747 that soars high above the earth (45,000 feet) and has a clearer view of the heavens than telescopes on earth.