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Global Recession And Other Visions For 2017

Global Recession And Other Visions For 2017

Submitted by Economic Prism's MN Gordon via,

Conjuring Up Visions

Today’s a day for considering new hopes, new dreams, and new hallucinations.  The New Year is here, after all.  Now is the time to turn over a new leaf and start afresh. Naturally, 2017 will be the year you get exactly what’s coming to you. Both good and bad.  But what else will happen?


Image of a recently discarded vision…



2016 Ends With A Whimper: Stocks Slide On Last Minute Pension Fund Selling

2016 Ends With A Whimper: Stocks Slide On Last Minute Pension Fund Selling

When we first warned 8 days ago that in the last week of trading a "Red Flag For Markets Has Emerged: Pension Funds To Sell "Near Record Amount Of Stocks In The Next Few Days", and may have to "rebalance", i.e. sell as much as $58 billion of equity to debt ahead of year end, many scoffed wondering who would be stupid enough to leave such a material capital reallocation for the last possible moment in a market that is already dangerously thin as is, and in which such a size order would be sure to move markets lower, and not just one day.
