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UK Trader Fined 60,000 Pounds For Outsmarting Algos

UK Trader Fined 60,000 Pounds For Outsmarting Algos

Yet another UK trader is being punished by overzealous regulators for an accomplishment that should instead have earned him accolades: Outsmarting the machines.

In a case that echoes some of the circumstances surrounding the scapegoating of former UK-based trader Nav Sarao, former Bank of America Merrill Lynch bond trader Paul Walter has been fined 60,000 pounds by the FCA for a practice that regulators call ‘algo baiting’.

Does The CoT Structure Prohibit A Rally?

Does The CoT Structure Prohibit A Rally?


Does The CoT Structure Prohibit A Rally?

Written by Craig Hemke, Sprott Money News & TF Metals Report




Can the Comex metals rally from here given that the CoT structure is not yet fully "washed out"? Of course they can! While it's sometimes easy and obvious to assume that rallies are imminent by the CoT structure, history shows us that a fully-washed CoT isn't imperative for a bottom and rally.


Give Thanks For Turkey-flation

Give Thanks For Turkey-flation


As we near Thanksgiving Day, investors have many things for which to be thankful; from a global bull market in equities, led partly by a strong resurgence in corporate earnings, to very few signs of a recession starting over the next 12-18 months. There are a few near-term catalysts we’re watching, but there are also many longer-term positive signs. And since we’ve already talked a lot about how 2017 has so far been one of the strongest and least volatile bull markets ever, today we’ll change gears and talk turkey!
