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Gallo Warns: A Volatility Trap Is Inflating Market Bubbles

Authored by Alberto Gallo via,

A number of markets show not only elevated valuations, but also irrational investor behavior...

Investors face a conundrum: The world is experiencing a record synchronous growth phase, but an increasing number of assets are becoming overvalued just as fundamental risks lurk in the background. Should investors continue to dance to the tune of central bank stimulus and low volatility, or prepare to exit?

Spain Rebounds, Pound Tumbles In Quiet Session Ahead Of ECB Minutes, Fed Speakers

Spain Rebounds, Pound Tumbles In Quiet Session Ahead Of ECB Minutes, Fed Speakers

Global markets came off record highs, trading subdued, with US index futures unchanged as traders are unwilling to make major moves ahead of today's ECB minutes and tomorrow’s NFP release, and before speeches by central bankers including SF Fed President John Williams and the potential next Fed chair Jerome Powell, as well as ECB executive board members Peter Praet and Benoit Coeure. 
