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1 Million Ohio Public Employees Face Pension Cuts As Another Ponzi Teeters On The Brink

1 Million Ohio Public Employees Face Pension Cuts As Another Ponzi Teeters On The Brink

We've written frequently of late about the pension crisis in Kentucky where pensioners are facing potentially catastrophic benefit cuts as their politicians finally admit that they've been sold a fantasy for decades (see: Pension Consultant Offers Dire Outlook For Kentucky: Freeze Pension And Slash Benefits Or Else).

Ahead Of The Fed, A Reminder: Gross Vega On VIX ETFs Just Hit A "Staggering" All Time High

Ahead Of The Fed, A Reminder: Gross Vega On VIX ETFs Just Hit A "Staggering" All Time High

What if the Fed surprised today, and instead of only announcing a reduction in its balance sheet, it also sent an uber-hawkish signal by hiking rates 25 bps, something which virtually nobody expected? While stocks would certainly suffer an adverse reaction, as the Fed confirmed that its intention was to burst one or more asset bubbles, it may be just what many in the market desire.

Dennis Gartman: "This We Find Anomalous"

Dennis Gartman: "This We Find Anomalous"

With stocks at all time highs, Dennis Gartman, who took the time to make a quick mockery of cryptocurrencies in his latest letter, is starting to get nervous on risk assets, pointing out what he calls an "anomaly." Below are the selected excerpts from his latest note:

THE S&P FUTURES: They Rise While Volume Falls!: We are still erring bullishly of the equity market, but we do find it passing strange that as the market has moved higher the volumes being transacted are plunging… and aren’t price and volume to move in concert, one with the other?.
