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Crude Crashes, Bonds Bid, & Trannies Turmoil But VIX Vanquished To 9 Handle Again

Crude Crashes, Bonds Bid, & Trannies Turmoil But VIX Vanquished To 9 Handle Again

With oil crashing, 'hard' economic data slumping, political chaos ahead of the debt ceiling debacle, and The Fed about to embark on something no central bank has ever done (let alone done successfully), it should be no surprise that earnings expectations are being ramped exponentially higher and The Dow (thanks in large part to Boeing recently) has exploded near 22,000 today for the first time ever making yet another new record high...

Schwab: "New Accounts Are At Levels We Have Not Seen Since The Dot Com Bubble" As Millennials Rush Into Stocks

Schwab: "New Accounts Are At Levels We Have Not Seen Since The Dot Com Bubble" As Millennials Rush Into Stocks

We can now officially close the book on the "cash on the sidelines."

One week ago, we reported that in the latest weekly survey of Bank of America high net worth clients, the cash allocation had fallen to an all time low of just 10.4%, below the previous record low of 11% in April 2007 as everyone is "forced" to dance in this market, in which the music is still playing.

Now, in a separate confirmation of what Deutsche Bank recently classified as market "froth", Jonathan Tepper points out that the stock euphoria has finally spread to the retail investor.

Trump Threatens To End Obamacare Payments, "Insurance Bailouts" Unless Repeal Passes

Trump Threatens To End Obamacare Payments, "Insurance Bailouts" Unless Repeal Passes

With the Senate having failed to repeal Obamacare, after a critical "Nay" vote by John McCain crushed Trump's biggest campaign promise shortly after midnight on Thursday, Trump is plans to kill Obamacare slowly, and this time he has vowed to take insurance companies and members of Congress down with it.
