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New Hedge Fund Fee Structures Reveal Traditional Model On Verge Of Collapse

New Hedge Fund Fee Structures Reveal Traditional Model On Verge Of Collapse

Nearly a decade ago, Warren Buffett bet Protege Partners, a fund of hedge funds, that over the course of 10 years the S&P would outperform Protege's returns net of all fees, costs and expenses.  To make it real, the loser agreed to pay $1 million to the charity of the winner's choice.


At this past year's annual meeting, Warren Buffett provided an update on the now 8-year-old bet and, sure enough, the S&P has obliterated Protege's net returns by over 40%, on a cumulative basis. 


Banks, Bonds, & Bullion Bid As Healthcare Hope Trumps Terror Attack Turmoil

Banks, Bonds, & Bullion Bid As Healthcare Hope Trumps Terror Attack Turmoil

Gartman did it again - as we warned pre-open -   Which means one thing: both Goldman and Gartman are now short stocks, and expecting further selling - perhaps just the catalyst bulls were waiting for to step in and BTFD...   



The machines were working over time to keep stocks up today to prove confidence in Trump and the economic hope remains...


But by the close they failed to hold The Dow green...Nasdaq surged (AAPL helped)

