A Murderous Complacency - Dark Omens Are Circling Everywhere In Today's Markets
Submitted by Adam Taggart via PeakProsperity.com,
murder: a flock of crows
~ Miriam-Webster dictionary
Submitted by Adam Taggart via PeakProsperity.com,
murder: a flock of crows
~ Miriam-Webster dictionary
One look at WTI, RBOB, and VIX today and it's clear the algos are in charge... don't play...
Post-Fed, Gold was the biggest winner...
As rate-hike odds dropped...
Having cautioned that the economic macro surprise rally of the past three months...
... has been mostly based on the back of "soft data" surprises, in other words, hope and moistly animal spirits, which "are driving the bulk of the US data surprises"...
While we remain in the purely abstract, theoretical and hypothetical realm of Trump tax reform - there have been no concrete proposals floated yet, with Trump as recently as a week ago slamming the critical border-adjustment tax, only to full reverse himself on it just a few days later - Bank of America has created a useful matrix taking a deep dive into the potential (and we do underline the word potential, because at this rate Trump may spend much of his first year dealing with immigration reform and Obamacare) implications of Trump's tax reform.
The financial magazine which has made an art out of calling for big, round numbers in the Dow Jones Financial Index (as a reminder over 20% of the Dow's surge since the election is due entirely to Goldman Sachs), most recently with its "get ready for Dow 20,000" call from just over a month ago, has done it again: