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Italy Falls Out Of Love With The Euro: Beppe Grillo Resurgent In The Polls

Italy Falls Out Of Love With The Euro: Beppe Grillo Resurgent In The Polls

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

Recent polls for Italian politicians supporting the eurozone and EU have collapsed.

Pro-Europe polls are highly likely to get worse as a  further splintering of Matteo Renzi’s PD party takes place.

It is not out of question for Beppe Grillo’s eurosceptic Five Star Movement (M5S) party to achieve an absolute majority in the next election. However, please note that 40% is the threshold for a “majority”.

How December 4th Could Trigger The "Most Violent Economic Shock In History"

How December 4th Could Trigger The "Most Violent Economic Shock In History"

Submitted by Nick Giambruno via,

It was the one moment that convinced Hitler suicide was better than surrendering.

On the morning of April 29, 1945, the bodies of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini and his mistress were dumped like garbage into Milan’s Piazzale Loreto.

A large mob of Italians quickly gathered. They pelted the former leader’s corpse with vegetables. They spat on it. They urinated on it. Some even emptied their pistols into his lifeless body.