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"They're All Bandits!" Russia Will Not Stop Syria Airstrikes Regardless Of Ceasefire

"They're All Bandits!" Russia Will Not Stop Syria Airstrikes Regardless Of Ceasefire

Once upon a time, the CIA and Washington’s Mid-East Sunni allies had an idea.

The American forces occupying Iraq were handed a bit of a lemon in 2004 when Abu-Mus'ab al-Zarqawi pledged allegiance to Osama Bin Laden and took command of the al-Qaeda cell in Iraq, which grew by recruiting from the ranks of Saddam’s scattered security apparatus.

Turkish Leader Caught Using ISIS Militants To Kill Kurds In Syria

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been caught funding ISIS militants in order to advance his Middle East agenda to kill Kurds in Syria, a Turkish MP has revealed.  “Erdogan uses ISIS [Islamic State/IS, also known as ISIS/ISIL] against the Kurds. He can’t send the Turkish Army directly to Syrian Kurdistan, but he can use ISIS as an instrument against the Kurds. He has a greater Ottoman Empire in his mind, that’s his dream, while ISIS is one of the instruments [to achieve it],” Selma Irmak, a Turkish MP from the Peace and Democracy Party told the Russian media on Monday. .

Turkey Vows "Harshest Reaction" To Kurdish Advance In Syria As Missiles Hit Hospitals, School

Turkey Vows "Harshest Reaction" To Kurdish Advance In Syria As Missiles Hit Hospitals, School

Over the weekend, the biggest story in the geopolitical world was Turkey’s escalation in Syria.

With the Sunni-backed opposition on its last legs in Aleppo and under near constant bombardment by Russia from the air and Hezbollah on the ground, Ankara and Riyadh have a decision to make: intervene or allow the rebellion to be crushed.
