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Doom Journalism has become Fake News

(GLOBALINTELHUB.COM) — 7/22/2017 — The internet is exploding with ‘reports’ of ‘potential cataclysms’ including but not limited to erupting super volcanoes, EMP attack from North Korea (or Nuclear attack from North Korea), or just plain good old fashioned American insurrection (which all should note, will void most insurance policies).  The research team at Global Intel Hub has been investigating global intelligence since 2001 (It was 9/11 that started a chain of events that would lead to the formation of Global Intel Hub).

Collecting $1 Of Student Debt Costs American Taxpayers $38

Collecting $1 Of Student Debt Costs American Taxpayers $38

Authored by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog, 

Your government at work with your tax dollars.


Loan billions to brain dead teenagers so they can pretend to get smart in college. When they fail miserably due to the fact after twelve years of public school government indoctrination they can’t read, write or add, the government pays slimy collection agencies to get these unemployed dolts to pay up.


In Fiery, "Surreal" Press Conference, Trump Launches War On "Out Of Control" Press: Main Highlights

President Trump blasted the "out of control" dishonesty of the mainstream media during a Thursday press conference, accusing reporters of distorting facts to help special interests.