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Pacific Crest Downgrades Apples, Sees $145 Fair Value; Warns Of iPhone Sales Decline in 2019

Pacific Crest Downgrades Apples, Sees $145 Fair Value; Warns Of iPhone Sales Decline in 2019

In a rare negative move on Apple, Pacific Crest downgraded the tech giant from Overweight to Sector Weight. As StreetInsider notes, analyst Andy Hargreaves says the upside from the iPhone 8 appears to be priced in to the stock. He tells clients in a Monday research note that the risks to Apple might not be priced in, referring to the risk that iPhone sales could potentially decline in FY 2019.

Theresa May Urges Global Internet Regulation "To Deprive Terrorists Of 'Safe Spaces'"

Speaking to the public following the attacks in London last night - the third such terorist incident since March - UK Prime Minister Theresa May proposed Sunday that the UK work with democratic allies to root out extremist groups from the internet and social media.

Here’s May:

“We cannot allow this ideology the safe space it needs to breed, yet that is precisely what the internet, and the big companies that provide internet-based services provide.


Tesla Furious After AAA Hits Carmaker With Higher Premiums Due To "Abnormally High Claims"

Tesla Furious After AAA Hits Carmaker With Higher Premiums Due To "Abnormally High Claims"

AAA is raising premiums on Tesla vehicles by 30% after data showed that owners of Model S and Model X cars filed claims at abnormally high rates, and that those claims cost more compared with other cars in the same class, Automotive News reported.

Tesla, of course, is disputing the insurer's analysis.
