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Premium iPhone 8 To Come With Curved Samsung OLED Screens

Premium iPhone 8 To Come With Curved Samsung OLED Screens

Days after Apple stock briefly jumped following reports it may announce new products as soon as next week - most likely involving an update to the company's iPad line - the new product fever returned when moments ago Japan's Nikkei reported that the most expensive iPhone 8 handsets will feature curved screens based on organic light-emitting diode (OLED) technology, to be solely provided by Samsung Electronics.

New European Regulations Set To Crush Equity Research Budgets By $300 Million

New European Regulations Set To Crush Equity Research Budgets By $300 Million

Literally no one knows the true 'value' of equity research, not even the investment banks that are selling it.  Up until now, equity research has been treated as a 'freebie' given away to institutional clients in return for trading commissions but that is all about to change thanks to the European Union’s MiFID II regulations, which require asset managers to separate trading commissions from investment-research payments.

List Of Android Devices Found Containing CIA Malware

List Of Android Devices Found Containing CIA Malware

A list of malware infected Android devices has been released, after a commercial scanner found instances of malware preinstalled on 38 devices.  The find comes just days after WikiLeaks revealed that the CIA routinely hacked smartphones, infecting them with Malware in order to spy on the American public. According to a blog published on Friday by Check Point Software Technologies, malicious code was found preinstalled on various Android devices that had not be put there by the original phone manufacturers.

World Health Organization: Smart Meters Are Making People Ill

World Health Organization: Smart Meters Are Making People Ill

Smart meters cause a “cornucopia of health issues” for occupants of the 57 million American homes equipped with the new technology, according to the World Health Organization and The news comes after a major university study into the “smart meter scam” revealed that the new meters regularly “overcharge consumers by up to 582%” while at the same time collecting owner’s data which is then sold to third parties for further profit. Electric utilities have embraced smart meters, pushing aggressively for the mass rollout of the wireless technology.

A CIA Cyber False Flag

A CIA Cyber False Flag

Authored by Federico Pieraccini via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

New revelations from Wikileaks’ 'Vault 7' leak shed a disturbing light on the safeguarding of privacy. Something already known and largely suspected has now become documented by Wikileaks. It seems evident that the CIA is now a state within a state, an entity out of control that has even arrived at the point of creating its own hacking network in order to avoid the scrutiny of the NSA and other agencies.
