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Scientists Plan To Resurrect The Woolly Mammoth

Harvard scientists say they are on the brink of resurrecting the woolly mammoth which became extinct 4,000 years ago. They say the ancient beast will be recreated using genetic engineering where the ice age mammal’s DNA is spliced with an Asian elephant to create a hybrid. The scientist leading the “de-extinction” effort said a Harvard team is just two years away from creating a hybrid embryo.

Youtube’s Biggest Personality, PewDiePie, Wrongly Defamed for Being an Anti-Semite

PewdiePie used to do videos about video games, luring 53 million youngsters to subscribe to his channel -- making it the biggest channel on Youtube ever, by a very large margin.

Recently, he's been dropping redpills on his subs, discussing media hypocrisy, with a slight conservative bent. He did a comedy video about Hitler and the result was manufactured outrage, spawned by a Wall Street Journal article and subsequent cancellation of a deal he had with Disney.
