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Hedge Funds Sell Near-Record Amount Of Stock (Follow 'Insiders' & Bank Execs)

Hedge Funds Sell Near-Record Amount Of Stock (Follow 'Insiders' & Bank Execs)

We know the big bank executives have been dumping $100 millions as their stock prices have soared.


We also now that corporate insiders are dumping their own stocks at the fastest pace in years.


And now we know that, as BofAML reports, net sales by hedge funds last week were the third-largest in history and the largest since last Feb...

China To Replace 90% Of Human Workers With Robots

Businesses in China have reported seeing a 250% increase in productivity after replacing over 90% of the workforce with robots.  Following a factory in Dongguan replacing nearly all of its human workforce with robots, politicians in China are now looking seriously at the prospect of replacing human workers with robots across the country. reports: While some of the world’s leaders are obsessed with keeping people out of their country, an unspoken entity is slowly but certainly taking our jobs: robots.

NOAA Whistleblower Confirms Global Warming Is A Scam

A high-level whistleblower from the world’s leading source of climate data has revealed that the NOAA deliberately published fraudulent data on global warming.  America’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) deliberately sexed up a report that exaggerated the effect of man-made global warming in order to influence the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change.
