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How Globalists Predict Your Behavior

Submitted by Brandon Smith via,

The globalists seem to have an overarching obsession with data collection. As we have seen with revelations from multiple government whistle-blowers, the establishment spends most of its time, energy and manpower collecting information not just on known threats to their supremacy, but information on EVERYONE through FISA-based surveillance protocols. This is because the establishment sees every individual as a potential threat.

EU Proposal Would Kill Spam In All Forms (Phone & Email) Without Consumer Opt-In

EU Proposal Would Kill Spam In All Forms (Phone & Email) Without Consumer Opt-In

Submitted by Mike Shedlock via,

A new EU Privacy Ruling proposal would effectively kill all forms of spam unless people opt in.

The privacy ruling would also allow consumers to use ad-blockers, but publishers will be allowed to withhold content from consumers who do.

Please consider EU Proposal on Ad Blockers Welcomed by Publishers.
