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Snopes Given Access To Private Facebook Profile Data

Facebook has given “fact checking” website Snopes tools to snoop on private user data in the fight against the so-called ‘fake news’ problem.  An unnamed Facebook employee confirmed that the social media giant now use Machine Learning Algorithms to directly target independent media outlets and anything considered “alt right” in order to suppress those stories from appearing on a users’ newsfeed. reports: The anonymous whistleblower also revealed that some staff members may be given behind-the-scenes access to Facebook user profiles.

Will Trump Lower the Cost of Speaking the Truth?

Will Trump Lower the Cost of Speaking the Truth?

Paul Craig Roberts

Dear Donors:

Thank you for your committment to this website. You have kept your side of our agreement, and I will keep my side.

This is truly your website. It is here because of you.

I am fortunate that I grew up during a time when, despite the lies and disinformation, both private greed and government were checked by a sometimes honest media and an alert population. The power of the people’s votes had not yet been eclipsed by the power of campaign contributions.
