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Long Lasting Diamond Battery Solves Nuclear Waste Problem

Scientists have created a safe and long-lasting battery made from artificial diamond and nuclear waste that can last for more than 5,000 years. The diamond battery emits less radiation than a banana and could help solve the problem of nuclear waste. reports: Researchers at the University of Bristol have found a means of creating a battery capable of generating clean electricity for five millennia, or as long as human civilization has existed.

Dark Web Plot To Assassinate Trump Uncovered

A Dark Web website launched last week on the Darknet is raising money to assassinate President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President elect Mike Pence.  The one-page website is asking for donations from visitors in order to assassinate Trump and Pence due to their “extreme” political ideologies. “As you are all well aware, the consequences of having Donald Trump and Mike Prence as the leaders of the free world are extremely dangerous,” the webpage says.

FBI Can Now Legally Hack Your Phone, PC, Or Any Device

As of December 1st, the FBI and other agencies can a obtain warrant from a judge that will allow them to remotely control any of your devices, opening up enormous potential for abuse by those in power. While the mainstream media stokes fear about Trump’s potential for corruption, the fact is, this strategy has already been snuck into law behind the people’s backs – and will be in the hands of anyone in the future. How much do you trust the government and three letter agencies with your devices?
