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Peak Facebook? New Study Finds Social Media App Usage Tumbles Across The Globe

Peak Facebook? New Study Finds Social Media App Usage Tumbles Across The Globe

While Facebook's stratospheric ascent to new record highs continues, storm clouds may be gathering for the $340 billion market cap company: according to a new study by marketing intelligence firm Across the board, people are spending less time on their Social Media apps. Using SimilarWeb data on Android apps, the company looked at data from the U.S, UK, Germany, Spain, Australia, India, South Africa, Brazil and Spain and compared app data from Q1 2015 to Q1 2016, and found that in almost all countries, time spent on the 4 leading Social Media apps is down.

This Is Where US Adults Get Their News From

This Is Where US Adults Get Their News From

As social media continues to become a larger part of many people's everyday lives, it's not surprising to see that users are now more than ever getting news from the social media platforms.

A survey by Pew Research found that 62% of US adults get their news on social media, which is up from 49% reported in 2012. Of the 62%, 18% responded that they often get news from social media, 26% said sometimes, and 18% said hardly ever.

