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Facebook's Zuckerberg Reveals 7-Point Plan To Eradicate "Misinformation"

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has a message for his billion-plus users: "you're not capable of deciding for yourself what is 'news' and what is not, so we will do it for you."

Facebook has been widely blamed - by the left-leaning mainstream media - for allowing the spread of online misinformation, amusingly much of it pro-Trump, but Zuckerberg has rejected the notion that Facebook influenced the outcome of the election or that fake news is a major problem on the service.

Scientists Urge NASA To Launch Mission Against ‘Armageddon’ Asteroid

The European Space Agency may team up with NASA to launch a 2020 mission against a dangerous asteroid headed for earth. Planetary scientists and experts have released an open letter urging support for the mission. The space agencies plan to crash a probe into a 160m wide asteroid and deflect it from its course. Actors Billy Bob Thornton and Bruce Willis similarly tried stopping an asteroid that was threatening to collide with earth, in the 1998 disaster movie Armageddon. Daily Star reports: It comes after the Chelyabinsk meteor, which was just 20m wide, exploded over Russia in 2013.

Britain Passes The "Snooper Charter" Ending All Privacy

Submitted by Martin Armstrong via,

Britain has passed what everyone calls the “snooper’s charter” otherwise known as the Investigatory Powers Bill.


This new legislation establishes the legal framework authorizing the government to hack into devices, networks and services in bulk and to create vast databases of personal information on all UK citizens. This is a preliminary step for a movement to impose worldwide taxation on Brits.


Obama Vows To Destroy ‘Alt Media’ During Final Weeks

President Barack Obama has joined the war on “fake news” and has promised to take down “alternative media” websites before Trump gets into office.  In the last week, left-wing mainstream media outlets have begun labelling alt. media and conservative news sites as “fake news” – bundling them in with sporadic spam websites in an attempt to flush them out of the internet forever. reports: Some of these pundits are worried that bad information on the Internet paved the way for President-Elect Trump.
