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Europe: Social Media Giants Will Force You To Use ID Cards To Log-in

Europe are cracking down on freedom of speech and people’s right to privacy by insisting that all social media giants require users to provide state-issued ID cards to log-in.  The European Commission say that YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Uber must require all European Union citizens to show proof of their identity before being allowed to access the sites. Leaked EU Commission documents reveal a concerted push by Brussels to roll out more expansive use of national ID cards across the EU. The documents have been uploaded to the Commission’s official website since the leak.

U.S. Government Build Database To Silence Future Whistleblowers

The U.S. government are building a huge database containing information on government employees who could pose “insider threats” to them as potential whistleblowers.  The Defense Department are building the “DoD Component Insider Threat Records System,” in response to the 2010 classified diplomatic cables leaked by Chelsea Manning. The decision to build the information-sharing system comes after the WikiLeaks executive order was signed, calling for an end to government whistleblowing.

Robot Apocalypse? Artificial Intelligence Now Able To Reproduce

Scientists in Amsterdam have created the world’s first batch of robots that can reproduce and create offspring, and experts have warned that the Artificial Intelligence could pose a real threat to humans in the coming years.  The new robots have been programmed with a genome that enables them to communicate with each other, learn, and evolve by creating their own new genomes with new information they have learnt. reports: Thus, a new robot is born in a way that resembles evolution in nature.
