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Politicians: It`s not the Jobs Stupid, It`s the Job`s Strategy Stupid (Video)

Politicians: It`s not the Jobs Stupid, It`s the Job`s Strategy Stupid (Video)

By EconMatters

We compare Germany and South Korea`s Business Development Strategy versus the United States - and how important top down leadership is in cultivating a strategic vision for a country`s growth prospects.

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Video Shows Capabilities Of New German Tank

A video showing the capabilities of a new German tank, the MBT Revolution, has appeared on the internet. The tank is a modular upgrade of an ex-German Leopard 2A4 main battle tank. The video shows German technology company Rheinmetall’s MBT Revolution modular upgrade program, as a way of modifying main battle tanks for specific needs. Sputnik reports: The video is said to have been posted on the German group Rheinmetall’s official YouTube channel, according to the website

Army Tests Driverless Vehicles On Michigan Roads To "Save Lives, Cut Costs"

Army Tests Driverless Vehicles On Michigan Roads To "Save Lives, Cut Costs"

Forget McDonalds and minimum wage blowback, the U.S. Army Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC) is set to send a convoy of vehicles along a stretch of Interstate 69 in Michigan as part of an initial testing of driverless military vehicle equipment on public roadways. The autonomous technology, designed to "save the lives of soldiers serving overseas," is the latest step for the army as it progresses towards its goal of unmanned Abrams tanks and helicopters.

Edward Snowden Demonstrates How To "Go Black"

Edward Snowden Demonstrates How To "Go Black"

When NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden first exposed the world to just how easily the government could compromise their technology and spy on them, many immediately sought ways to secure their data and protect their gadgets.

But, as reports, Snowden is here to help. "'Going Black' is a pretty big ask," he tells VICE's Shane Smith, but not impossible, as Snowden shows how to "make sure your phone works for you... instead of working for someone else."
