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Housekeeping Note On Site Redesign

As readers may have noticed, there have been some cosmetic changes to the layout of the website.

First and foremost, we responded to readers' repeated requests and have finally added a mobile version of the website.

Second, we have revised the desktop version of the site in a move we hope will make the site faster, as well as more resilient to heavy traffic outages.

We have also changed the formatting of the comment section to be able to accommodate more indented comments as well as added a "reply-to" functionality within the comments.

Apple Back Under $100 On News It Will Extend iPhone Lifecycle To 3 Years, Cites Slowing Demand

In what, if confirmed, would be a major move for Apple's product development cycle, overnight Japan's Nikkei reported that Apple is moving from its existing "innovation cycle" with a major iPhone refresh every two years to a three-year cycle. To wit:

Apple will likely take three years between full-model changes of its iPhone devices, a year longer than the current cycle. In a typical two-year term, fall 2016 was supposed to see a major upgrade. But the changes on the model to be launched this autumn will be minor, such as improved camera quality. 

Politicians: It`s not the Jobs Stupid, It`s the Job`s Strategy Stupid (Video)

Politicians: It`s not the Jobs Stupid, It`s the Job`s Strategy Stupid (Video)

By EconMatters

We compare Germany and South Korea`s Business Development Strategy versus the United States - and how important top down leadership is in cultivating a strategic vision for a country`s growth prospects.

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Video Shows Capabilities Of New German Tank

A video showing the capabilities of a new German tank, the MBT Revolution, has appeared on the internet. The tank is a modular upgrade of an ex-German Leopard 2A4 main battle tank. The video shows German technology company Rheinmetall’s MBT Revolution modular upgrade program, as a way of modifying main battle tanks for specific needs. Sputnik reports: The video is said to have been posted on the German group Rheinmetall’s official YouTube channel, according to the website
