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Twitter To Stop Counting Photos And Links In 140-Character Limit

Twitter is about to stop counting images and URL links toward the 140-character limit. The social networking site is to announce changes to its 140-character limit in the the next two weeks, that would allow users to cramp more content into a single tweet, according to Bloomberg. Android Police reports: http://as_0_letters.com — Evan Blass (@evleaks) May 16, 2016 Right now, shortened links take up 23 characters. Removing this would free up several additional words per tweet.

A Little Market Insight Into How The Game Is Played (Video)

A Little Market Insight Into How The Game Is Played (Video)

By EconMatters


Every Game involves learning the rules of the game in order to be successful, the financial markets are the ultimate 4 dimensional futuristic chess game. There are different levels operating within the financial markets, the Game within the Game if you will. The Power Players at the top of the Food Chain run the show all things being equal.
