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Cyber Fraud At SWIFT – $81 Million Stolen From Central Bank

Cyber Fraud At SWIFT – $81 Million Stolen From Central Bank

Swift, the vital global financial network that western financial services companies, institutions and banks use for all payments and transfer billions of dollars every day, warned its customers yesterday evening that it was aware of cyber fraud and a number of recent "cyber incidents” where attackers had sent fraudulent messages over its system and $81 million was apparently stolen from a central bank.

SWIFT (Wikipedia)

Smart Meters Cause Tidal Waves Of Mysterious Illnesses

Growing numbers of people from around the world have begun reporting numerous health problems associated with an increased amount of wireless radiation from devices, including smart meters.  According to the EMF Safety Network, the digitized electric meters are causing mysterious health issues amongst huge numbers of people, and have recommended reducing exposure to them as much as possible. The EMF website states, “Utilities claim smart meters are safe, and compare them to cell phones. However, cell phones, cell towers, wi-fi and other wireless devices can also affect your health.

Computer Virus Discovered In German Nuclear Power Plant

Computer Virus Discovered In German Nuclear Power Plant

Remember when "someone" used the Stuxnet virus in an Iranian nuclear plant several years ago to freeze Iranian nuclear production, leading to a major diplomatic scandal involving the spy agencies of both the US and Israel, as the world learned that in the present day industrial sabotage only needed a flash drive and a computer virus to render even the most sophisticated piece of industrial machinery obsolete? Well, a few minutes ago, Bloomberg reported that a computer virus was discovered in a German nuclear power plant.

Thousands Of Africans Rise Up Against Monsanto

On the 21st May this year thousands of South Africans will unite in various cities throughout the country, to protest Monsanto’s attempts to force GMOs on the population.  The March Against Monsanto movement is an anti-GMO, pro-organic campaign held in more than 500 cities across the globe – which aims to spread awareness of the harmful effects of genetically-modified foods and the toxic poisonous herbicides that are used to grow them. reports: “The FDA has placed the interest of a handful of biotechnology companies ahead of their responsibility to protect public health.
