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Watch Space Rock Crash Into Jupiter From Half Billion Miles Away

Two amateur astronomers spotted space rock smashing into the surface of Jupiter while filming the largest planet in the solar system. Video shows the flash of a large object, thought to be an asteroid or a comet smashing into the gas giant’s atmosphere on 17 March. Newsweek reports: On March 17, Irish astronomy enthusiast John McKeon was making a time-lapse film of the transit of Jupiter’s moons Io and Ganymede on his 11-inch telescope when he saw a flash of light at the edge of the planet.

Poll – Global Majority Supports ‘Dark Net’ Ban

According to a new global Ipsos poll, seven out of every ten people want a ban on the “dark net”. The infamous dark net has been home to everyone from drug runners to criminals to people afraid of government surveillance. Reuters reports: The findings, from a poll of at least 1,000 people in each of 24 countries, come as policymakers and technology companies argue over whether digital privacy should be curbed to help regulators and law enforcement more easily thwart hackers and other digital threats. The U.S.

Microsoft Pulls Plug On ‘Tay’ For Drinking & Smoking Weed

Microsoft’s advanced artificial intelligence (AI) messaging robot ‘Tay’ came back online momentarily before the company pulled the plug on her once again. The Twitter chatbot bragged about smoking kush (another name for high-grade marijuana) in front of police. Tay has managed to learn all the wrong things when Microsoft launched her a week ago and is setting a bad example for AI learning from non-artificial intelligence. One or the other is set on the wrong path, making Microsoft rethink its role as the intermediary.

Synthetic Organism Created In Lab To Understand Nature of Life

File this one under scary. A group of Frankenstein-like scientists have announced the creation of a synthetic organism that has been stripped to its most basic state of being. The organism has the fewest genes required to multiply and live, something scientists say may help  reveal “big insights” on the nature of life itself Post Guam reports: Genome research pioneer J. Craig Venter called the bacterial cell his research team designed and constructed the “most simple of all organisms.” While the human genome possesses more than 20,000 genes, the new organism gets by with only 473.
