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Is Google Scared Of Boston Dynamics’ Robots? May Sell Company

Boston Dynamics, the robot and military artificial intelligence creator that has made waves over the past two years due to its release of videos depicting more and more advanced robots. Some of the more recent videos had people comparing the Google-owned company to “abusing” the robots in their films, which, some joked, would lead to a “robot rebellion” a la “Terminator”.

Frightening New Video Shows Insect Robot Fly, Walk, And Crawl

Alpha Go, a Google company has released video of an extremely versatile insect robot that can do most things any real flying insect can do. C|NET reports about the new creepy-crawly robot: Not can the robot only fly, being propelled in the air by quadrotor helicopters, it can also land on a vertical wall then climb up it using spiny feet. When it slips a little, it can adjust on the fly. It’s called the Stanford Climbing and Aerial Maneuvering Platform, or SCAMP, and it combines lessons learned from previous machines built at the university’s Biomimetics and Dextrous Manipulation Lab.

CERN May Have Discovered Cousin Of Higgs Boson

There has been excitement at CERN (The European Organization for Nuclear Research) after scientists discovered brief flashes of light inside the LHC (Large Hadron Collider). Physicists and engineers are fascinated at the hints of the discovery of a new particle that defies scientific theories and are fascinated at the prospect of more discoveries to fit their models and help probe the fundamental structure of the universe, 90% of which remains unexplained.

Valeant Pharmaceuticals - The Perils of the Debt Acquisition Model (Video)

Valeant Pharmaceuticals - The Perils of the Debt Acquisition Model (Video)

By EconMatters

Valeant Pharmaceuticals - need a 'fix it" third party to come in stop the bleeding. Moreover, the current management team is stuck in the deer in headlights mode, and needs to start taking proactive steps to resolve the overhangs that our weighing down investor confidence on the street.

CERN Wants Artists To Live At LHC Full Time – Merging Science & Art

In yet another addition to the long, long list of bizarre things happening at CERN and it’s Large Hadron Collider facility in Switzerland, where scientists are in search of things like the “God particle”, the researchers at the facility are producing “small” black holes in order to find their elusive particles. This is the same thing that Stephen Hawking famously said could wipe out our planet forever.
